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- JAHIA-2076
SP2 LDAP connection does not work any more - someone chanched something? - JAHIA-2075
SP2 Time Based Publishing: NPE when validating a CP (source + destination) on TimeBasedPublishingImplService.saveRetentionRule(TimeBasedPublishingImplService.java:202) - JAHIA-2073
SP2 Cluster: error on cluster when startuping second node: SERIOUS ERROR : Error while trying to generate new ID for sequence org.jahia.hibernate.model.JahiaStatistics - JAHIA-2070
Sp2 Workflow: Integrity warnings blocks validation in all languages even correct ones - JAHIA-2067
SP2 WAI checking: an image is missing on ALT attribute error - JAHIA-2066
Sp2-SP3: exception when session ecpired in an engine - could we make a small AJAX call to renew session when an engine is still open? - JAHIA-2059
SP2 Integrity checking: Pdisplay issues when listing the errors during workflow - blank page is displayed - JAHIA-2058
Sp2 URL Integrity Checking: Work in progress is started BEFORE the integrity checking when saving a container = not closed while the integrity checking is displayed - JAHIA-2056
Sp2: Corpv1: InitZimbraShell JS error on Corpv1 templates - JAHIA-2055
Sp2: Pdisplay: error while switching to archive of executed jobs, while a workflow is running - JAHIA-2049
SP2 Time based publishing: TBP EventListener is very long and time consuming on large TMB changes - JAHIA-2047
Sp2 Admin Center > Cache Status: display issue with IE6 - JAHIA-2046
SP2 performance bottleneck: modifiying the type of workflow on a leaf takes dozens of minutes - DB mainly impacted by WorkflowService.getUnlinkedContentObjects method - JAHIA-2045
SP2 Perf improvement: Remove Jahia_link checks for Content picking on each field if Content Picking module is not activated in the Jahia license - JAHIA-2044
Sp2 Blog trackback: regroup comments and trackabcks - JAHIA-2043
Sp2 mandatory fields (blog entries): display issues with IE6 - small text is badly aligned - JAHIA-2042
Sp2 Corpv2 blog: error in validating blog entries - JAHIA-2039
Sp2 - Admin Center: Category management: overlap of the page footer and the category sitemap under IE - JAHIA-2037
SP2: problem with read-only engine and engine'embedded nav: clicking on next stays on the current screen; making a back launches an exception - JAHIA-2036
Sp2 Performance: navigating with the engine's nav toolbar leads to modify workflow state and perf bottleneck on org.jahia.hibernate.manager.JahiaFieldsDataManager.preloadActiveOrStagedFieldsByMetadataOwner - JAHIA-2033
SP2 - cache - ContainerIdsListManagerCache - efficiency: 0.08 % !!! - JAHIA-2031
Sp2 - Jahia link cache: JahiaLinkManagerCachefindByTypeAndLeftObjectKey does not seem to work - JAHIA-2029
Sp2 Installation Wizard: please reuse old past names for the default virtual site + name of site, etc.. - JAHIA-2028
Sp2 move issue in two lang: sitemaps (and certain DB) are corrupted by a move of a page in multi-lang - JAHIA-2026
Sp2 Versioning: List of version to restore at the page properties level is broken with some test chars "frefrefref" - JAHIA-2025
Sp2 Corpv1: title on the page does not appear on first click on new template creation - JAHIA-2023
Sp2 Corpv1: sitemap in live mode is empty for root or siteadmin - JAHIA-2022
SP2 CP does not work in multilanguage mode - second language returns no results and breaks all the engine display - JAHIA-2021
Ajax Tree for Categories is not well displayed with ie6 - JAHIA-2011
Sp2 Admin Center Category Mngmt: NPE accessing categories with a user with only permission on sub-categories - JAHIA-2010
Config Wizard SP2 17502: impossible to launch first screen of the config wizard: JahiaConfigurationWizard.fillDefaultValues(JahiaConfigurationWizard.java:1894) - JAHIA-2008
Sp2: move and link sitemap in page field engines still displays moved pages at both their source and destination points - JAHIA-2005
Sp2 CP: please remove debug lines in info mode when opening a pop-up linking to all destinations - JAHIA-2004
Sp2 CP engine: the "at least one of the conditions" works only from time to time - does not look like working with pid -does not give the same result after adding and removing conditions - JAHIA-2002
Sp2: CP: untranslated resource bundles on "source" pop-up for linked copies - JAHIA-2001
SP2: Content Picker: CSS does not work at all under IE6 - Size of engine issue with FF. - JAHIA-1999
Performance: versioning sub-engine: org.jahia.services.lock.LockRegistry.isAcquireable to move in the AJAX sitemap - JAHIA-1998
SP2 - Wrong login or pwd: the error msg in the engine is not displayed any more under IE6 - JAHIA-1995
Cron: pages only available on one lang on source are visible on destinations (only one another lang on destination) - JAHIA-1993
SP2: FCK - link on file has no proper resolution of jahia servlet name and context (replace by ###) - JAHIA-1991
Admin: leaving an admin entry leads to the wrong tab - JAHIA-1989
Endless updating of field definitions - JAHIA-1985
SQL errors while installing Jahia with an Oracl database - JAHIA-1984
SP2: AJAX FM: Selection Buttons also available at the top right - JAHIA-1983
Sp2: AJAX FM: Images View: Display problems with IE6 and FF - JAHIA-1982
SP2: FCK Flash upload: javascript issues with IE6 - JAHIA-1979
Performance: Worfklow sitemap display is very slow even after having fully loaded workflow status: getMainLinkObject is the guilty one - JAHIA-1977
Sp2: OutputCacheExpirationDelay: still invalidation on workflow with this property to true + how do I setup the duration of the cache entries in live mode? - JAHIA-1976
Siteadmin creation: email seems to be mandatory whereas it isn't - JAHIA-1975
Sp2 thumb generation in users/public directory raises an exception
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]