The current advanced compare mode already allows some better highlighting ogf changes between two dates (e.g in order to know all differences for the last 10 days whatever the number of worklow in between).
However this is still very hard to know what where both values in case of content modification (prior value and current value).
Most of the WCM are implementing some kind of side by side comparison modes. Two options are possible:
- a simple wiki like side-by-side comparison (globally more a. HTML diff highlighting of the page result)
- a more functionnal side by side mode which looks like similar to our current compare modes but with two "iframes" which load the page version before andafter (according to the two selected date) and which is both implementing highlighting. If iframes and loading two Jahia pages for different version of the content objects in // is not possible we could also imagine implementing some "tabs" in the compare mode toolbar in order to let the user switch from the first date preview of the page or to the last date preview of the page, so that it can compare values before and after.