Server and Cache status


Flush content object locks :


Note : cache flush operations only occur on this cluster node.

Flush all caches :

ACLTreeCache : ACL tree cache
5  entries
Successful cache hits : 466419147 / 466418412  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
AclNames : ACL name cache
30  entries
Successful cache hits : 4340003 / 4340059  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
ApplicationContextCache : Applications context cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
ApplicationDefinitionsCache : Applications definition cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
ApplicationEntryPointCache : Applications entry point cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
AppplicationCache : Applications cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
CONTENTPAGEPATH_CACHE : ContentPage path cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
CategoryLastModifStatusCache : Synchronization cache for last category modification date
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
ContainerDefinitionManagerCache : Container definition manager cache
17  entries
Successful cache hits : 19608417 / 19608702  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
ContainerIdsListManagerCache : Container definition by ID cache
9995  entries
Successful cache hits : 2769756 / 5202053  total, Efficiency : 53.24 % Number of groups : 20000
ContentContainerManagerCache : Content container Manager cache
2992  entries
Successful cache hits : 71233168 / 71566696  total, Efficiency : 99.53 % Number of groups : 0
ContentPageCache : ContentPage cache
1494  entries
Successful cache hits : 226763689 / 226934353  total, Efficiency : 99.92 % Number of groups : 0
EntryStateVersionCache : Entry state version cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
FieldDefinitionCache : Field definition cache
9  entries
Successful cache hits : 15994209 / 15995139  total, Efficiency : 99.99 % Number of groups : 0
FieldDefinitionsByID : Field definition by ID cache
7  entries
Successful cache hits : 31619197 / 31619880  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
FieldDefinitionsBySiteAndName : Field definition by site and name cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 9 / 18  total, Efficiency : 50 % Number of groups : 0
HTMLCache : Front-end HTML cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaAclPermissionsCache : ACL permissions cache
1027  entries
Successful cache hits : 460338945 / 460421450  total, Efficiency : 99.98 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaContainerListCache : Jahia container list cache
20819  entries
Successful cache hits : 30680098 / 33113830  total, Efficiency : 92.65 % Number of groups : 20000
JahiaContainerListIdCache : Jahia container ID list cache
12467  entries
Successful cache hits : 2789272 / 4332860  total, Efficiency : 64.37 % Number of groups : 5017
JahiaContainerManagerCache : Jahia container manager cache
3844  entries
Successful cache hits : 17656740 / 17677222  total, Efficiency : 99.88 % Number of groups : 20000
JahiaFieldsDataManagerCache : Jahia Fields manager cache
16780  entries
Successful cache hits : 62382805 / 63815783  total, Efficiency : 97.75 % Number of groups : 10052
JahiaGroupManagerCache : Jahia Group manager cache
7  entries
Successful cache hits : 970878 / 970885  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 12
JahiaLinkManagerCacheCount :
1  entry
Successful cache hits : 336782 / 336783  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaObjectManagerCache : Jahia Object manager cache
5093  entries
Successful cache hits : 349152518 / 349339367  total, Efficiency : 99.95 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaSiteByIDCache : JahiaSite by ID cache
4  entries
Successful cache hits : 164567100 / 164566996  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaSiteByKeyCache : JahiaSite by key name cache
1  entry
Successful cache hits : 354958 / 354958  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaSiteByNameCache : JahiaSite by name cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 1  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaSiteLanguageListManager : JahiaSite language manager cache
3  entries
Successful cache hits : 540626 / 540625  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaUserManagerCache : Jahia user manager cache
69  entries
Successful cache hits : 500367 / 500367  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaWebdavSecurityCache : Jahia WebDAV security cache
195  entries
Successful cache hits : 618394 / 638193  total, Efficiency : 96.9 % Number of groups : 0
JahiaWorkflowManagerCache : Workflow manager cache
14661  entries
Successful cache hits : 5116906 / 6823205  total, Efficiency : 74.99 % Number of groups : 0
LDAPGroupsCache : Groups stored in LDAP cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 1  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
LDAPUsersCache : Users stored in LDAP cache
146  entries
Successful cache hits : 101 / 13198  total, Efficiency : 0.77 % Number of groups : 0
LockAlreadyAcquiredMap : Content objects locks already acquired cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
LockPrerequisitesResultMap : Content object lock dependencies cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
ObjectTreeCache : Content object tree cache
24923  entries
Successful cache hits : 33634341 / 36272367  total, Efficiency : 92.73 % Number of groups : 0
PAGEPATH_CACHE : JahiaPage path cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 34063580  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
PageChildCache : Child page IDs cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
PageTemplateCache : JahiaPageDefinition cache
3  entries
Successful cache hits : 164373899 / 164372848  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
PagesManagerCache : Pages manager cache
1397  entries
Successful cache hits : 165738236 / 165908720  total, Efficiency : 99.9 % Number of groups : 0
PortletsOutputCache : Web application output cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
PortletsRequestCache : Web application request (last URL) cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
PreloadedCtnrACLByPageCache : Preloaded container ACLs by page cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
PreloadedFieldACLByPageCache : Preloaded field ACLs by page cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
ProvidersGroupsCache : User manager back-end provider cache
1  entry
Successful cache hits : 19796 / 19797  total, Efficiency : 99.99 % Number of groups : 0
ProvidersUsersCache : Group manager back-end provider cache
270  entries
Successful cache hits : 574156 / 593960  total, Efficiency : 96.67 % Number of groups : 0
SlideUriManagerCache : Slide (WebDAV) URI manager cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 30 / 45  total, Efficiency : 66.67 % Number of groups : 0
TextFileCache : Bigtext field content cache
1232  entries
Successful cache hits : 7137 / 171393  total, Efficiency : 4.16 % Number of groups : 0
WorkflowLinkedObject : Linked workflow object cache
1758  entries
Successful cache hits : 7134 / 335588  total, Efficiency : 2.13 % Number of groups : 9998
WorkflowModeCache : Workflow mode cache
8573  entries
Successful cache hits : 2338983 / 3385991  total, Efficiency : 69.08 % Number of groups : 0
WorkflowServiceCache : Workflow service cache
0  entry
Successful cache hits : 0 / 0  total, Efficiency : 0 % Number of groups : 0
jahia.descriptor : Jahia Descriptor cache
3  entries
Successful cache hits : 821654 / 821672  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
jahia.descriptors : Jahia Descriptors cache
3  entries
Successful cache hits : 1643305 / 1643312  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
jahia.lock : Jahia Lock cache
8  entries
Successful cache hits : 2138193 / 2138210  total, Efficiency : 100 % Number of groups : 0
jahia.object : Jahia Object cache
76  entries
Successful cache hits : 16800237 / 16813477  total, Efficiency : 99.92 % Number of groups : 0
jahia.permission : Jahia Permission cache
3  entries
Successful cache hits : 19797 / 19804  total, Efficiency : 99.96 % Number of groups : 0


Maximum JVM Memory allowed :
1011 MB (1035456 KB)
Total JVM Memory used :
1011 MB (1035456 KB)
Free Memory :
164 MB (168739 KB)

System information

java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. SUN_STANDARD
catalina.base C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat HotSpot 64-Bit Server Compiler
catalina.useNaming true Windows 2003 org.compass.core.util.concurrent.SystemN anoTimer
sun.boot.class.path C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\common\endor sed\dom3-xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar;C:\jahia5. 0.3_r18881\tomcat\common\endorsed\dom3-x mlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar;C:\jahia5.0.3_r18 881\tomcat\common\endorsed\xercesImpl.ja r;C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\common\end orsed\xml-apis.jar;C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\ lib\resources.jar;C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\l ib\rt.jar;C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\sunrs asign.jar;C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\jsse. jar;C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\ java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\ja va\jdk1.6.0\jre\classes
java.util.logging.config.file C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\conf\logging .properties
sun.desktop windows
java.vm.specification.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.runtime.version 1.6.0-b105
applicationRoot C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\webapps\jahi a jahia
shared.loader ${catalina.base}/shared/classes,${catali na.base}/shared/lib/*.jar
tomcat.util.buf.StringCache.byte.enabled true
user.language fr
java.naming.factory.initial tory
org.apache.lucene.writeLockTimeout 6000
sun.boot.library.path C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\bin
org.apache.lucene.lockDir C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\temp
jahiaWebAppRoot C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\webapps\jahi a false
java.version 1.6.0
java.util.logging.manager org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
user.timezone Europe/Berlin 64
java.endorsed.dirs C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\common\endor sed
java.rmi.server.randomIDs true
sun.cpu.isalist amd64
sun.jnu.encoding Cp1252
package.access sun.,org.apache.catalina.,org.apache.coy ote.,org.apache.tomcat.,org.apache.jaspe r.,sun.beans.
file.separator \ Java Platform API Specification
java.class.version 50.0 CH
java.home C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre
org.apache.lucene.maxClauseCount 2147483647 mixed mode
os.version 5.2
path.separator ;
java.vm.version 1.6.0-b105
java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory org.apache.jetspeed.prefs.impl.Preferenc esFactoryImpl
java.awt.printerjob UnicodeLittle
org.apache.lucene.useCompoundFile 0
package.definition sun.,java.,org.apache.catalina.,org.apac he.coyote.,org.apache.tomcat.,org.apache .jasper.
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs org.apache.naming
user.home C:\Documents and Settings\jahia.POULE03
java.specification.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.library.path C:\java\jdk1.6.0\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Ja va\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C: \java\jdk1.6.0\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C :\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Pr ogram Files\Intel\DMIX;C:\Program Files (x86)\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-3 2;C:\java\jdk1.6.0\bin
org.apache.lucene.commitLockTimeout 60000
java.vm.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
common.loader ${catalina.home}/common/classes,${catali na.home}/common/i18n/*.jar,${catalina.ho me}/common/endorsed/*.jar,${catalina.hom e}/common/lib/*.jar
hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.class.path C:\java\jdk1.6.0\lib\tools.jar;C:\jahia5 .0.3_r18881\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar Java Virtual Machine Specification
org.apache.lucene.mergeFactor 30
java.vm.specification.version 1.0
catalina.home C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat
sun.cpu.endian little
sun.os.patch.level Service Pack 2 C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat\temp
java.vendor.url.bug i
server.loader ${catalina.home}/server/classes,${catali na.home}/server/lib/*.jar
java.awt.graphicsenv sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
os.arch amd64
org.apache.lucene.maxBufferedDocs 1000
java.ext.dirs C:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\ext;C:\WINDOWS\ Sun\Java\lib\ext
user.dir C:\jahia5.0.3_r18881\tomcat
line.separator Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
org.apache.lucene.SegmentReader.class org.apache.lucene.index.CompassSegmentRe ader
file.encoding Cp1252
java.specification.version 1.6
Other operations :
Jahia 5.0.3 r18881